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Decking + Outdoors

Low Maintenance Decking

Are you tired of sanding and refinishing your wooden deck every few years? Then why not try a low maintenance deck instead!

Cedar Decking

Cedar decking takes stain and protective coats wonderfully. We carry a 5/4"x5" (actual size 1"x4-1/2") plank in 8', 10', 12', 14', and 16' lengths. We also carry a wide variety of dimensional lumber perfect for handrails, pergolas and other projects.


  • Low Maintenance Probuilt Aluminum Railings

  • Cedar 

  • Timbertech Composite Railings

  • Regal Aluminum Railings


  • NextStone polyurethane faux rock siding

  • Pine & Cedar Tongue & Groove, Bevel, Channel, Half Log, Board & Batten Siding

  • Ranchwall Fir Paneling

  • Smartside Paneling

Outdoor Gallery

Please visit us in store to see our complete collection.


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